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Biden Brief

In first interview since dropping out, Biden say she dropped out of the US presidential race because he didn't want to be a distraction, discussed Israel's war on Gaza, and said Trump danger to US11 August 2024 (LINK)

— He still believes a ceasefire is possible before his presidency ends. "The plan I put together, endorsed by the G7, endorsed by the UN Security Council, et cetera, is still viable. And I'm working literally every single day — and my whole team — to see to it that it doesn't escalate into a regional war. But it easily can," Biden told CBS.

The Biden-Harris administration is poised to pull off something that hasn't been managed in this century, something that has happened only other time since 1965. They're about to stick the elusive "soft landing" with the economy.29 July 2024 (LINK)

Biden rolls out plan to overhaul the Supreme Court: including term limits for justices and a more binding ethics code29 July 2024 (LINK)

— Biden is also calling for a constitutional amendment declaring that presidents do not have immunity from criminal prosecution for any crimes committed while in office, following the Supreme Court's July ruling granting Donald Trump immunity for "official acts" he committed as president.

Biden gives states $4.3bn for EV chargers, heat pumps, and other green tech22 July 2024 (LINK)

CNN: You might have just missed Earth-shattering economic news: for the first time in four years, prices on everyday goods and services in the U.S. actually fell. In other words, this June was the first time since the pandemic started that we paid less for stuff compared with the previous month.the single best economic news of the past decade is but a murmur of chit-chat, barely audible against a clamor of politicos shouting about President Joe Biden's age12 July 2024 (LINK)

AP: Joe Biden faced a test Thursday that he had avoided so far this year — a solo news conference with questions from the White House press corps. Key takeaways: Insistence on staying in the race and flubbed names11 July 2024 (LINK)

CNN: Biden's false and misleading claims at high-stakes news conference11 July 2024 (LINK)

— Biden played down a gaffe he made at an event earlier on Thursday in which he had mistakenly introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as "President Putin" before correcting himself moments later. Biden said at the press conference: "I said, 'No, I'm sorry, Zelensky.' And then I added five other names." Biden's last claim was false. He didn't utter "five other names" after he corrected the Putin-Zelensky mix-up.

— Biden spoke of a need to "pace" himself in his activities. He said, "The next debate, I'm not going to be traveling 15 time zones a week before. Anyway. That's what it was about." This is misleading. Biden did not travel abroad "a week before" the June 27 CNN presidential debate in which he performed poorly. In fact, he returned to the US from Europe 12 days before that debate, on June 15.

— Biden, criticizing Trump's position on the NATO military alliance, said, "I think he said at one of his rallies, don't hold me to this, recently, where, 'NATO – I just learned about NATO,' or something to that effect. Foreign policy's never been his strong point." Biden's description of Trump's comment was indeed inaccurate. Trump did not say at a recent rally that "I just learned about NATO." Rather, Trump said at the rally that he had not known what NATO was, "too much," prior to attending his first alliance summit as president in 2017.

— Talking about the war between Israel and Hamas, Biden said Thursday, "There is a growing dissatisfaction in, on the West Bank, from the Palestinians, about Hamas. Hamas is not popular now." The limited available public opinion polling suggests the claim that "Hamas is not popular now" in the West Bank is not true — and that Hamas' popularity has increased there since its attack on Israel last October.

— When a reporter told Biden that Reuters had reported Thursday that the leadership of the United Auto Workers union was concerned about Biden's ability to win the election, Biden responded, "UAW just endorsed me, but go ahead." Biden's claim that the UAW "just" endorsed him is misleading at best. The UAW actually announced its endorsement of Biden on January 24, more than five months ago.

— Biden said, "You may recall, I still get criticized for it, but I was totally opposed to the occupation and trying to unite Afghanistan. Once we got bin Laden," in 2011, "we should've moved on, because it was not in our — no one's ever going to unite that country." Biden's claim that he was "totally opposed to the occupation" of Afghanistan is misleading at best. In the early years of the war, Biden, then a US senator for Delaware, was a vocal public supporter of the US having a sustained military presence in Afghanistan and engaging in extensive "nation-building" there — and he explicitly rejected the idea of a narrow military mission targeting terrorists.

Heather Cox Richardson: Biden vs Trump in the media: of 92 NYTimes pieces covering Trump, none mentioned Trump's mental fitness. substack5 July 2024 (LINK)

Billionaire investor Mark Cuban from Shark Tank show asked ChatGPT to analyze first Trump-Biden debate and judge the duo's communication skills, professionalism: "Based on the debate performance alone, it would be challenging to decisively hire either candidate without further evaluation of their professional capabilities and specific job fit."see_link30 June 2024 (LINK)

Can Biden come back from a bad debate the way Reagan did in 1984?NPR29 June 2024 (LINK)

Fact check: Biden's horrific debate performance made worse by multiple lies and gaffesnypost29 June 2024 (LINK)

Hunter Biden found guilty on all three felony gun 304 media reports11 June 2024 (LINK)

Joe Biden says he will 'respect the judicial process' as Hunter considers 46 media reports11 June 2024 (LINK)

Elon Musk drops suit against OpenAI and Sam Altman alleging startup's deviation from the original goal of AI for humanity over 39 media reports11 June 2024 (LINK)

Biden administration issues guidelines on carbon credit integritythehill28 May 2024 (LINK)

Many Americans mistakenly think the economy is shrinking and the stock market is tanking: inflation over past 3 years, comparisons are made with 2019, and there's the end of COVID stimulus. Note: the factors that have changed the US economy in the last few years are more influential than anything Trump or Biden has May 2024 (LINK)

Biden unveils $3 billion for nationwide lead pipe replacementCNN2 May 2024 (LINK)

Voters don't like Biden's economy — but why? There's a disconnect between most economic indicators that economists consider — things like GDP, the unemployment rate, job growth and inflation — which are all looking up, and how voters feel: a lot of that has to do with the cost of living, including persistent high prices at the grocery store and gas pump and for bigger costs like housing and higher educationabcnews30 April 2024 (LINK)

Biden finalizes plan to overhaul dirty power grid and reduce blackoutshuffpost25 April 2024 (LINK)

Heather Cox Richardson: In the past two days, the Biden-Harris administration has announced a wide range of new rules to protect ordinary Americanssubstack23 April 2024 (LINK)

— Two new rules affect patients in nursing homes and receiving home care, as well as the workers who care for them.

The Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced a final rule that strengthens the HIPAA medical privacy rule for people from states that ban abortions who seek reproductive health care in states that permit them.

The Labor Department announced a new rule that would guarantee that salaried workers who make less than $59,000 a year are compensated fairly for overtime work.

Also today, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted 3–2 along party lines to ban the noncompete agreements that prevent workers from minimum-wage earners to top executives from changing jobs within the industry in which they work.

Biden administration announces plans to expand background checks to close "gun show loophole"CBS11 April 2024 (LINK)

Biden admin moves to shield federal workers from potential Trump purgeaxios4 April 2024 (LINK)

— "This final rule honors our 2.2 million career civil servants, helping ensure that people are hired and fired based on merit and that they can carry out their duties based on their expertise and not political loyalty."

If Trump returns to the White House and wants to reverse the new rule, he would need to direct the Office of Personnel Management to draft new rules, which would include seeking public comment on any proposed changes.

Weeks ahead of the 2020 election, Trump issued an executive order known as "Schedule F" that would have reclassified tens of thousands of federal workers into a new Schedule F employment category. The move would have allowed Trump to replace scores of civil servant positions and career posts with hand-picked loyalists. Biden rescinded the executive order after he took office.

Biden administration restores threatened species protections dropped by TrumpAP28 March 2024 (LINK)

Biden pledges billions to rebuild cities 'torn apart' by highways through many Black, brown, Asian American and Hispanic communities decades agoThe Guardian UK ●13 March 2024 (LINK)

FactChecking Biden's 7 March State of the Union: His speech included misleading claims on inflation, crime, clean energy investments, wages and other subjectsfactcheck.org8 March 2024 (LINK)

Democratic operative admits to commissioning fake Biden robocall that used AI to tell party supporters not to votenbcnews.com25 February 2024 (LINK)

Biden administration restores Trump-rescinded policy stating Israeli settlements 55 media reports23 February 2024 (LINK)

Big Brother Biden wants AI to control what you read, say and thinknypost10 February 2024 (LINK)

Media ignores big news at Biden press conference: Biden yesterday issued an important memorandum that lays out the standards countries that receive U.S. weapons must adhere to and, for the first time, requires the administration to submit an annual report to Congress about whether countries are meeting the requirementscrooksandliars.com8 February 2024 (LINK)

Facebook rules allow altered video casting Biden as paedophile, says 39 media reports5 February 2024 (LINK)

30 things Joe Biden did as President you might have missedpolitico2 February 2024 (LINK)

U.S. economy added 353,000 jobs in January, much better than 4 media reports2 February 2024 (LINK)

!Biden left with few choices as immigration takes center stage in American politics? main source: AP, 16 media reports2 February 2024 (LINK)

Hunter Biden pleads not guilty to 9 federal tax 213 media reports11 January 2024 (LINK)

'The alternative to democracy is dictatorship,' Warns Biden as civil society leaders and progressive lawmakers mark the third anniversary of 6 Jan attack on Congresscommondreams6 January 2024 (LINK)

China's President Xi Jinping, US' Biden exchange greetings on 45 years of diplomatic ties, agree to restore communication channels limited after Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan in August 42 media reports1 January 2024 (LINK)

nypost: Biden admin threatens to sue Texas if state arrests and deport migrantsnypost29 December 2023 (LINK)

nypost: Iran declares war on US in Red Sea (and beyond) — as Biden does nothingsee_link28 December 2023 (LINK)

The GOP's case against Biden unravels in new and unfortunate waysmsnbc22 December 2023 (LINK)

Biden administration unveils hydrogen tax credit plan to jump-start industrynpr21 December 2023 (LINK)

— The U.S. credit is the most generous in the world for hydrogen production. The proposal — which is part of Democrats' Inflation Reduction Act passed last year — outlines a tiered system to determine which hydrogen producers get the most credits, with cleaner energy projects receiving more, and smaller, but still meaningful credits going to those that use fossil fuel to produce hydrogen.

The U.S. hopes to produce 50 million metric tons of hydrogen by 2050. "That's equivalent to the amount of energy currently used by every bus, every plane, every train and every ship in the US combined," Energy Deputy Secretary David M. Turk said on a 21 December call with reporters to preview the proposal.

White House reups Biden's pledge not to pardon son if convicted: 'Nothing has changed' 8 media reports10 December 2023 (LINK)

— The charges against Hunter Biden include felonies and misdemeanors filed in California, in addition to federal firearms charges in Delaware. If convicted, Hunter Biden could face a maximum sentence of 17 years in prison.

Biden spins the facts in campaign speech on 28 Novemberfactcheck.org5 December 2023 (LINK)

NY Post: Biden got recurring $1,380 payment from Hunter's firm starting in 2018nypost4 December 2023 (LINK)

— A source told The Post that at least three payments were made. Emails from Hunter's abandoned laptop indicate that the recurring transfers may have been to repay Joe Biden for help with his son's car payment. A January 2019 email to Hunter from his assistant Katie Dodge annotated various expenses including "Ford Raptor — Reimbursement to JRB — $1380."

Biden administration issues rule to cut methane emissions from oil and gas thehill2 December 2023 (LINK)

Mike Johnson just blew a hole in the GOP's Joe Biden impeachment inquiryThe New Republic29 November 2023 (LINK)

Fox News: Mexico's president praises Biden for not building border wallsfoxnews17 November 2023 (LINK) Biden's numbers, October 2023 update: The economy added 13.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped for a time to the lowest in nearly 54 years. Inflation surged to the highest level in over 40 years. Despite slowing their rise lately, consumer prices are up nearly 17.1% overall. Gasoline is up 50.3%. Average weekly earnings haven't kept pace with prices. After adjusting for inflation, "real" weekly earnings dropped 3.9%. Those lacking health insurance went down — by 0.7 percentage points by one measure and 1.3 points by another. The U.S. accepted 60,014 refugees in fiscal year 2023 — the highest amount in seven years.factcheck.org20 October 2023 (LINK)

Forbes AI Investor: it's looking like the fabled 'soft landing' might be a reality after all30 September 2023

— Over the long term, markets' general trend is up. Keeping in mind the challenge that regulators and central banks across the world had in the aftermath of Covid, it had the potential to be far worse. Consumer confidence is down but that figure is still far higher than the mid-80's experience during the pandemic and the mid-20's from the 2008 global financial crisis.

Biden's $15 minimum wage for federal contractors blocked by US judgeReuters ●27 September 2023 (LINK)

Biden joins UAW strikers, the first sitting president to join a picket line: 'You deserve a hell of a lot more' media reports27 September 2023 (LINK)

— Biden: "You guys, the UAW, you saved the automobile industry back in 2008 ... you made a lot of sacrifices. You gave up a lot. And the companies were in trouble. Now they're doing incredibly well and guess what? You should be doing incredibly well."

→ Hunter Biden 'received $250K wire originating in Beijing with beneficiary address listed as Joe Biden's home' → 16 media reports26 September 2023 (LINK)

→ Biden's dog Commander bites Secret Service agent again — marking 11th attacknypost26 September 2023 (LINK)

Biden hosts Pacific Island leaders in latest effort to counter China's influencePBS News Hour video25 September 2023 (LINK)

NYPost: Biden fumbles acronym during Pacific Islands forum speech: 'Doesn't matter what we call it,' he jokes — (LINK)

Factcheck: No, Joe Biden was not replaced by an actor in 2019eu.usatoday.com14 September 2023 (LINK)

→Biden claims without evidence he was at Ground Zero on day after 9/11 attacks→ media reports11 September 2023 (LINK)

— Records show that Biden was in the U.S. Senate on September 12, 2001, and gave a floor speech about the terrorist attacks. His first known visit to Ground Zero was on September 20, 2001. He faces criticism for not visiting any of the attack sites on the anniversary and for giving his speech in Alaska instead. He is the first president in 22 years to neither spend the day at an attack site nor the White House.

US 5th Circuit finds Biden White House, CDC likely violated First Amendmentwww.washingtonpost.com7 September 2023 (LINK)

— The judges wrote that the White House, the Surgeon General, the CDC and the FBI likely "coerced the platforms to make their moderation decisions by way of intimidating messages and threats of adverse consequences" on coronavirus and elections.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation said said the ruling was an improvement over a temporary injunction U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty issued July 4.Doughty, an appointee of former president Trump, had ordered originally.

Doughty's decision had affected a wide range of government departments and agencies, and imposed 10 specific prohibitions on government officials. The appeals court threw out nine of those and modified the 10th to limit it to efforts to "coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce, including through altering their algorithms, posted social-media content containing protected free speech."

Special counsel David Weiss to seek indictment of Hunter Biden this 185 media reports6 September 2023 (LINK)

— Hunter Biden's legal team claims that he is abiding by the terms of a diversion agreement, while prosecutors argue for an indictment.

!Former Ukrainian prosecutor accuses Joe Biden of corruption claiming that Biden bribed Ukrainian officials in exchange for his firing! However, State Department officials, activists, and diplomats have disputed Shokin's claims, stating that he was fired due to his failure to prosecute corruption main source: FoxNews, 9 media reports25 August 2023 (LINK)

Factcheck: Donald Trump vastly underestimates job gains under Joe Bidenpolitifact5 August 2023 (LINK)

— "During Biden's first 30 months in office, just 2.1 million new jobs were created, and by contrast, during my first 30 months in office we created 4.9 million new jobs," Trump said Aug. 5. We have previously fact-checked Biden for exaggerating the scale of job gains on his watch, but none of Biden's statements were as far off base as Trump's. When Biden took office in January 2021, the U.S had almost 143 million nonfarm jobs. By Biden's 30th month in office — June 2023 — the number of nonfarm jobs had risen to 156.2 million. That's an increase of 13.2 million jobs, or more than six times as big as the 2.1 million jobs Trump referenced in his speech.

Fired Ukrainian prosecutor Shokin says Joe and Hunter Biden DID take BRIBES — and were behind his ousting: 'Isn't that corruption alone?' he says in preview of bombshell interview, but lacks direct evidence ny breaking25 August 2023 (LINK)

Joe Biden brags at CFR meeting about withholding aid to Ukraine to force firing of prosecutor — (LINK)

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: Biden did demand that Shokin be removed. At an event at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York in 2018, Biden seemed to boast about it, saying that during a visit to Kyiv — likely in December 2015 — he told Ukrainian officials: "We're leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money." "Well, son of a bitch," Biden continued. "He got fired." Shokin was indeed fired, but not until March that year. — (LINK)

Financial Times: European and US officials pressed Ukraine to sack Viktor Shokin, the country's former prosecutor-general, months before Joe Biden, the former US vice-president, personally intervened to force his removal, people involved in the talks said. Mr Biden did not act unilaterally nor did he instigate the push against Mr Shokin, despite suggestions to the contrary by supporters of US president Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said. — (LINK)

Biden and Ukraine: What we know about corruption claims: 'no evidence'— BBC News — (LINK)

Snopes: The U.S. may have pushed for the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor, but not for the reasons implied in a video clip. — (LINK)

— Before his remarks morphed into "evidence" for claims that Biden ordered Ukraine to fire Shokin for investigating Burisma, they were picked up by Russian government-controlled outlets such as RT and Sputnik to levy accusations that the Obama administration was engaged in heavy-handed meddling in Ukraine's affairs.

Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theorysmall> — (LINK)

Biden publicly acknowledges 7th grandchild for first time: says 4-year-old granddaughter Navy is 'family matter', not a political issue.www.aljazeera.com28 July 2023 (LINK)

Hunter Biden judge says can't accept plea deal in surprise turn, and Biden pleads not 139 media reports26 July 2023 (LINK)

President Biden's determination to "build the economy from the middle out and the bottom up", appears to be paying off.see_link25 July 2023 (LINK)

Biden's narrative on never discussing business deals with Hunter continues to crumble: Hunter Biden's longtime business partner reportedly to testify then-Vice President Joe Biden frequently sat in on business calls with ● →25 July 2023 (LINK)

Fact check: Does newly released 'FD-1023' document prove Burisma CEO gave two $5m bribes to Bidens? Nowww.snopes.com21 July 2023 (LINK)

heathercoxrichardson: Biden's new measures to promote competition in the economyheathercoxrichardson.substack.com19 July 2023 (LINK)

!Barack Obama was right to be wary of Joe Biden's ability to 'f––k things up'? ● → →12 July 2023 (LINK)

Trump promises to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Biden family if elected in 2024→ 7 media reports1 July 2023 (LINK) FactChecking Biden's Campaign-Style Speeches: Biden has been giving a series of campaign-style speeches, touting the success of his economic policies, which he calls "Bidenomics," and talking about his efforts to diversify the federal courts. But we found that some of his claims were wrong or imprecise.www.factcheck.org30 June 2023 (LINK)

— Biden wrongly claimed to have "appointed more African American women" to federal judgeships than "every other president combined." He's had more African American women confirmed than any other president, but not more than all of them combined. Biden exaggerated the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on reducing carbon emissions. Biden noted that the share of "working-age Americans" in the workforce is the highest it's been in roughly 20 years, which is correct for those age 25 to 54. But when including those age 55 and older, labor force participation rates are still below the pre-pandemic level.

Biden proposes new measures for student loan relief after Supreme Court defeat" ●30 June 2023 (LINK)

No, Supreme Court ruling does not eliminate other student loan forgiveness programs30 June 2023 (LINK)

— The Supreme Court struck down the Biden administration plan to forgive $10,000 to $20,000 in student debt for most borrowers. However, other forgiveness programs that have existed for years remain in place, although only borrowers who meet specific conditions qualify for those.

Republican House Oversight Committee chair Comer claims Biden family 'may' have taken $40 million in payments → 8 media reports — factuality: mixed rating 30 June 2023 (LINK)

Republican House Oversight Committee chair Comer claims Biden family 'may' have taken $40 million in payments → 8 media reports — factuality: mixed rating 30 June 2023 (LINK)

U.S. House of Representatives fails to overturn Biden veto in effort to cancel student debt reliefthehill.com21 June 2023 (LINK)

US House of Representatives Oversight Committee subpoenas former Hunter Biden business 9 media reports12 June 2023 (LINK)

Biden is more unfit for office by the minute while GOP nominees devolve into ●11 June 2023 (LINK)

Evidence against the Biden crime family is mounting across the ● →9 June 2023 (LINK)

Fact check: Trump's baseless '1,850 boxes' attacks on Biden's legal and normal University of Delaware documents collectionedition.cnn.com10 June 2023 (LINK)

Here's what to know about GOP claims of a Biden scandaledition.cnn.com9 June 2023 (LINK)

*Joe Biden allegedly paid $5M by Burisma executive as part of a bribery scheme, according to FBI ● →8 June 2023 (LINK)

Biden gets low ratings on economy (33%), guns, immigration in AP-NORC Pollap / 51 media reports22 May 2023 (LINK)

Review of the Hunter Biden story and more: Heather Cox Richardsonsource10 May 2023 (LINK)

— There is no evidence that the payments were illegal. Republicans have turned up no evidence that President Joe Biden was part of the other Bidens' businesses or received any money in relation to them.

Harris seeks to reset U.S.-Africa relations on 3-nation tour. The vice president is the fifth Biden official in three months to visit the continentpolitico26 March 2023 (LINK)

Factcheck: The U.S. After Two Years of President Bidenfactcheck27 January 2023 (LINK)

— Republicans frequently complain that Biden has "shut down" U.S. oil production. But under Biden, crude oil production in the United States has increased by 4%. On the other hand, Biden has failed to live up to his promise to substantially increase the number of refugees the U.S. admits every year.

Factcheck: Classified Documents Found in Biden's Former Office and Garagefactcheck weekly12 January 2023 (LINK)

EPA restores water regulations once diluted during the Trump erapbs30 December 2022 (LINK)

Energy Dept vacates 1950s decision revoking security clearance for 'father of the atomic bomb' J. Robert Oppenheimerthehill16 December 2022 (LINK)

Putting 'Profits Over People', Senate Rejects Paid Sick Leave for Rail Workerscommondreams1 December 2022 (LINK)

US judge in Texas blocks President Biden's student debt forgiveness plan in addition to court of appeals ; new appeal filedusatoday10 November 2022 (LINK)

Joe Biden vs the record in office of his Republican predecessor, and the visions of the Democrats and Republicans going forwardheathercoxrichardson21 October 2022 (LINK)

Joe Biden's 23 greatest achievements as president of the United States ... so farreuters30 September 2022 (LINK)

— "Biden's presidency has been transformative, although it didn't appear to be that way in the beginning."

Gaffe or insight? Deciphering Biden's unguarded answersreuters27 September 2022 (LINK)

— As Biden himself told steelworkers this month: "No one has ever doubted I mean what I say; the problem is I sometimes say all that I mean."

Biden commits another $2.9bn to fight world hunger as Russia's invasion of Ukraine takes global tollCNN21 September 2022 (LINK)

13 U.S. States set to tax student loan forgivenessdefendernetwork5 September 2022 (LINK)

FactCheck: Q&A on Biden's student loan / tucsonsentinel5 September 2022 (LINK)

* Biden's diabolical student debt scheme robs the poor to give to the richdaily mail / msn1 September 2022 (LINK)

Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorshipBBC26 August 2022 (LINK)

Hunter Biden: The struggles and scandals of the US president's son: bbc 15 June 2022

Biden succeeds again on an issue where Trump tried and failed: pharma pricesmsnbc16 August 2022 (LINK)

— "For the first time, Medicare will be empowered to negotiate the cost of some of the most expensive prescription medications with the pharmaceutical industry."

* → Department of Education makes $300 billion accounting mistake on student loans19fortyfive7 August 2022 (LINK)

— "None of this bad accounting includes any of the Biden administration's recent or forthcoming actions on student loans."

Biden tests negative for COVID-19 but will continue isolation, pending a second negative testusatoday6 August 2022 (LINK)

Number of uninsured Americans drops to record lowabcnews2 August 2022 (LINK)

Heather Cox Richardson: "Biden has defended democracy across the globe, accomplishing more in foreign diplomacy than any president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt" substack23 July 2022 (LINK)

Rep. Ilhan Omar criticizes Biden's meeting and fist-bump with MBS: 'This whole trip sends the wrong message'Business Insider18 July 2022 (LINK)

Biden scraps Trump's Air Force One paint scheme because of heating risksNBCnews10 June 2022 (LINK)

Biden administration announces new ocean conservation proposalsthehill8 June 2022 (LINK)

Biden announces free internet for millions of low-income Americanstheweek9 May 2022 (LINK)

Biden's economic stimulus packageheathercoxrichardson6 May 2022 (LINK)

Biden says he's considering student loan debt forgiveness, but not $50,000 per borrowercbsnews28 April 2022 (LINK)

In recent speeches, President Joe Biden has been misleadingly taking credit for cutting federal deficits by historic amounts, though most of the reduction in deficits is the result of expiring emergency pandemic spendingnewsfactsnetwork28 April 2022 (LINK)

Why Hunter Biden's Laptop Will Never Go Awaytheatlantic28 April 2022 (LINK)

Biden blocks sales of inefficient lightbulbs, reversing Trump-era policycnbc26 April 2022 (LINK)

US judge throws out Biden mask mandate for planes and trainsthehill19 April 2022 (LINK)

Mac Repair Shop Owner Reveals 'Multiple' Attempts to Insert 'Questionable Material' On Hunter Biden's Laptopmediaite12 April 2022 (LINK)

Biden sets rule banning sale of untraceable DIY 'ghost gun' kitsBBC11 April 2022 (LINK)

How much legal jeopardy is Hunter Biden in?vox11 April 2022 (LINK)

Secret Service renting mansion for over $30,000 to protect Hunter BidenThe Guardian4 April 2022 (LINK)

Biden rescinds controversial Title 42 order limiting asylumthehill1 April 2022 (LINK)

Biden to announce minimum 20% tax on billionaires in 2023 budget plan — reportThe Guardian26 March 2022 (LINK)

Ketanji Brown Jackson: the hearingsheathercoxrichardson25 March 2022 (LINK)

Biden nominee Sarah Bloom Raskin, who has spoken of the impact of climate change on then U.S., withdraws her candidacy for Federal Reserve board under conservative attackscnbc15 March 2022 (LINK)

U.S. VP Kamala Harris Was Not 'Laughing at Refugees'truthorfiction10 March 2022 (LINK)

Biden rejects critical findings of Army report on Afghanistanground.news11 sFebruary 2022 (LINK)

Black voters are fleeing Biden in droves. Here's whythehill13 February 2022 (LINK)

Miss USA "murdered" and a Biden "cover-up" in this week's dubious tabloidsboingboing12 February 2022 (LINK)

Biden science adviser Eric Lander resigns after violating workplace bullying policyaxios8 February 2022 (LINK)

Farmers flourish under Biden, see recovery from Trump-era trade warsNBCnews29 January 2022 (LINK)

Economy grew 5.7% last year, its best showing since 1984, as activity revived amid pandemicusatoday25 January 2022 (LINK)

Biden refers to Fox News correspondent as a "stupid son of a bitch"cbsnews24 January 2022 (LINK)

Biden reverses Trump-era rule on dishwasher, washer, dryer efficiencyupi13 January 2022 (LINK)

Don Jr. Mockingly Shares Graph Showing Biden Has Created Way More Jobs Than His Dadcomicsands11 January 2022 (LINK)

Fact-check: Does Biden have 'the lowest approval rating of any president ever'? No, currently just below Trump's higheststatesman7 January 2022 (LINK)

Media reaction to President Biden's speech about Trumppoynter7 January 2022 (LINK)

The 10 best things Biden did in 2021washingtonpost28 December 2021 (LINK)

Numbers Show Joe Biden's Economy Is Actually Beating The Worldnationalmemo22 December 2021 (LINK)

"U.S. economic output has jumped more than 7% in the last three months of 2021. Overall growth for 2021 should be about 6%, and economists predict growth of around 4% in 2022—the highest numbers the U.S. has seen in decades. The Biden administration has created 4.1 million jobs, more than were created in the 12 years of the Trump and George W. Bush administrations combined. Wages in America are growing at about 4% a year, compared with less than 1% a year in the eurozone. The American Rescue Plan, passed by Democrats in March without a single Republican vote, cut child poverty in half. More than 4.6 million Americans who were not previously insured have gotten healthcare coverage through the Affordable Care Act. U.S. companies[...] are showing profit margins higher than they have been since 1950, at 15%. Companies have reduced their debt, which has translated to a strong stock market" — (heathercoxrichardson)

The media treats Biden as badly as — or worse than — Trumpwashingtonpost3 December 2021 (LINK)

Senator releases FBI source's claim of Biden bribes from Ukraine: June 2020 internal FBI report outlining claims by a foreign informant21 July 2023 (LINK)

— There is no evidence that Joe Biden received any payments from Ukraine. Senior congressional Republicans have acknowledged the allegation is unverified. It alleges that Burisma made two $5m (£3.9m) payments to "the Bidens" as part of its efforts to remove Ukraine's prosecutor general at the time, Viktor Shokin — and that there were audio recordings of both Hunter and Joe Biden that supported this.

Fact check: Biden leveraged $1B in aid to Ukraine to oust corrupt prosecutor, not to help his son21 October 2020 (LINK)
Politifact 23 September 2019 — (LINK)

— Hunter Biden told the New York Times in a statement that "at no time have I discussed with my father the company's business, or my board service, including my initial decision to join the board."

— The Biden campaign told PolitiFact that the vice president learned about his son's role on the board through media reports and never discussed anything related to this company with his son.

— When Viktor Shokin was fired as Ukraine's prosecutor-general in March 2016, after less than 14 months in the post, it was seen as a crucial development in a country under pressure to curb corruption and get serious about reforms. 24 September 2019Radio Free Europe (LINK)

The U.S. may have pushed for the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor, but not for the reasons implied in a video clip. 21 July 2023 (LINK)

— The user-created clip fostered a false impression by pairing a misleading caption with an excerpt from a much longer video with no context.

— Bloomberg: The U.S. plan to push for Shokin's dismissal didn't initially come from Biden, but rather filtered up from officials at the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, according to a person with direct knowledge of the situation.

— Moreover, among the reasons the U.S. and others sought Shokin's ouster was his failure to assist with or pursue an investigation of Burisma Holdings' owner. Shokin took no action to pursue cases against Zlochevsky throughout 2015, said [Vitaliy] Kasko, who was Shokin's deputy overseeing international cooperation and helping in asset-recovery investigations. Kasko said he had urged Shokin to pursue the investigations. "There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky," Kasko said in an interview. "It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015."

— That's not to say the former vice president's 2018 commentary at the Council on Foreign Relations meeting was worded well. Before his remarks morphed into "evidence" for claims that Biden ordered Ukraine to fire Shokin for investigating Burisma, they were picked up by Russian government-controlled outlets such as RT and Sputnik to levy accusations that the Obama administration was engaged in heavy-handed meddling in Ukraine's affairs.

— Biden's remarks can bee seen in full in the video below: Hunter Biden's testimony in context6 March 2024 (LINK)

Hunter Biden's appointment to the Burisma board was, by nearly all accounts, part of the board's effort to distance itself from past geopolitical associations22 June 2023 (LINK)

Newsweek Fact Check: did ex-Intel officials call Hunter Biden laptop disinformation? No, just possible15 December 2022 (LINK)

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